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Official DMCA Blog

welcome to the official Blog of the Millbrook High School Digital

Media Career, this will be used to convey relevant information to students and parents. It will contain information about events, academy happenings and What is going on within the DMCA.



Daniel Perry

I'm Daniel, I am initially from Florida. I'm a fan of traveling, some of my favorite trips have been to North Carolina and Arizona. I often kayak and hike around the state of North Carolina but I've also hiked near the grand canyon. I love roller coasters and I love all different types of food, I joined the DMCA last year and have enjoyed it thus far. I joined the DMCA because I wanted to learn how to edit videos and take what I learned to do and put it into YouTube. This Internship is teaching me how to make websites and helping me make this Website with the help of Dustin and Seth.



Seth Hodges

I'm Seth, I like to draw, and I'm interested in photography. I enjoy being a part of the DMCA because I see digital art as a new and exciting medium in which to convey feelings and emotions. Through my involvement in the DMCA, I have made many lasting friendships and I have greatly expanded my knowledge of digital media and design based skills. I love being a part of the academy! I enjoy grassroots environmentalism, melancholic indie, 80's punk and East Asian cultures. 



Dustin Alford

I'm Dustin, I often like to eat, I love Eggs Benedict, I don't hate roller coasters but they scare me and fear is only an issue if you fear death. I despise heights, I podcast and draw, and I'm just happy to be here. I started in the DMCA halfway through my freshman year after coming from Ontario, I've been here almost 3 years now and I've enjoyed the academy very much and hope to continue in this line of work, In the future.



Adrian Arredondo

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I'm most involved in art and music, with some sports on the side including Muay thai and Boxing. I've been in the digital media for three years, and I've learned a lot through as well. My most favored mediums in the academy are photo and video editing, it's unbelievable how far i've come and the friends I have made will certainly last a life time. 



Selina Lezama-Romero

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Hello! I've been in the Digital Media Academy for 3 years and I have enjoying being part of the program. I love to draw so I use most of my artistic skills in illustrating online. I also love to do photo edits and want to be able to learn to make videos and animation too. My hobbies are to listen to music, hang out with friends, and watching animated shows/movies. I want to be able to work in an animation studio and create my own cartoon show.



Juan Canuto Campos

Hey I've been in the digital media for four years, With a passion for Designing, Photo Editing, social media, and all things on digital media and Adobe Programs for example Photoshop, illustrator and Indesing , I'm learning the skills to be an  professional Desinger and Photographer background necessary to dive deep into the Designing and photography world. As an upbeat, self-motivated team player with excellent communication and a future entrepreneur of a clothing brand, I envision an exciting future in the industry. 

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